ISIS issues fatwa to kill children with Down syndrome: is that wrong?

The Islamic State in Iraq & Syria (ISIS) has issued a fatwa to kill children with disabilities, including those with Down syndrome. Is this wrong? Continue Reading

What exactly is MaterniT21, Harmony, verifi, & Panorama testing?

If more women were accurately counseled about what exactly cell free DNA is testing, they would immediately understand that their test results are never diagnostic. Continue Reading

News: Sequenom’s patent invalidated, Ron Burgundy commentary, & informed consent concerns raised

From the News page, some significant developments concerning cell free DNA, with commentary by Anchorman Ron Burgundy: Continue Reading

Where Hope Grows: a role for Down syndrome

Where Hope Grows, a film that opened on May 15, 2015, shows there is a role for Down syndrome in this world. Continue Reading

Killing costly babies is “reasonable” says noted bioethicist

In the same week that thirty years ago a doctor advised the parents of Baby Doe to let him die because he had Down syndrome, a noted bioethicist said that some babies should instead be actively killed to save the rest of us money. Continue Reading

A sick, unethical cycle: prenatal testing for Down syndrome

So many items have cropped up in the past two weeks that here is a listing of all this news about Down syndrome prenatal testing. They lead to a sad conclusion. Continue Reading

Photo tour of ACMG 2015

Last week, I attended and presented at the American College of Medical Genetics & Genomics annual meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah. Here is a photo tour from the conference.  Continue Reading

Pop quiz: what’s wrong with these headlines?

News from just the past week has featured a number of questionable headlines. See if you can spot what's wrong about them.  Continue Reading

Sting operation raises concerns about Sequenom’s, verifi’s accuracy

In the Fall of 2014, two maternal-fetal medicine specialists ran a sting operation on the non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPS) labs. Their operation reported embarrassing results for Sequenom and Illumina. Continue Reading