Why is it called “Down syndrome”? (Or, why I wish there had been a Dr. Awesome)

October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Yesterday concerned what Down syndrome is. Today is the first of two posts on why it is called "Down syndrome." Continue Reading

What is “Down syndrome”?

October is national Down syndrome awareness month. So, what is "Down syndrome"? Continue Reading

GONE: 150,000 fewer people with Down syndrome in the U.S.

The long-stated estimated number of people living with Down syndrome in the United States had been 400,000. This number has been reduced by almost 40 percent. Continue Reading

“Is that a man?”–HuffPostLive discusses prenatal testing for Down syndrome

Tuesday, HuffPostLive featured a discussion on prenatal testing for Down syndrome. You can watch the video at this link. Part of the discussion made me think of a very bizarre story from our past.  Continue Reading

What every woman needs to know about Down syndrome prenatal testing, a review

Earlier this year, Amy Julia Becker released a new book entitled, What Every Woman Needs to Know about Prenatal Testing: insight from a mom who has been there." As with everything Becker writes, it intertwines compassion with needed analysis of a decision all pregnant women will confront in this new age of prenatal testing. Continue Reading

How do you view those labeled “handicapped”?

 I was part of the generation that grew up with Mr. Rogers. In his caring way, he taught us many things. Some videos now available on YouTube share his lesson in word and deed on how to view others, particularly those with disabilities. Continue Reading

Webinar on Prenatal Testing for Down syndrome

Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action (DSAIA) has made available the webinar I presented on Down syndrome prenatal testing. The webinar covers the basics of prenatal testing, the newest form of prenatal testing for Down syndrome, the professional society statements of the ACMG, ACOG, ISPD, and NSGC, and the statements' comments on counseling about prenatal testing. The webinar is available for free to the public. You can access the webinar at this link. Register using the box on the lower left hand Continue Reading

NSGC on Down syndrome prenatal testing: What’s essential (and what’s not)

Three other professional organizations have issued statements on the newest form of prenatal testing for Down syndrome. But, the National Society of Genetic Counselors make clear what is essential  information expectant mothers should receive. Continue Reading

Jason Collins comes out. Gay advocates want the world to know he still has a life worth living.

Last week, Jason Collins, an NBA player, came out as gay. Hopefully you find this post's headline objectionable. But why didn't the USA Today editors think so for the headline of their front-page story last week on prenatal testing for Down syndrome? Continue Reading