Killing costly babies is “reasonable” says noted bioethicist

In the same week that thirty years ago a doctor advised the parents of Baby Doe to let him die because he had Down syndrome, a noted bioethicist said that some babies should instead be actively killed to save the rest of us money. Continue Reading

Same birthday, competing legacies

Ten score and several years ago today, Abraham Lincoln was born. On that same February 12, 1809 Charles Darwin also was born. The ideas championed by these men and their competing legacies twist through history like the spiraling parallel sides of DNA. Continue Reading

Ignorant people say stupid things about Down syndrome

From the news page, purportedly independent-thinking people say stupid things about Down syndrome, while a grandmother shares wisdom gained from having a granddaughter with Down syndrome. Continue Reading

International Holocaust Remembrance Day: finally a memorial for the disabled

In 2014, a memorial was finally erected for those first victims of the Nazi euthanasia program: the disabled. Continue Reading

Down syndrome screening no longer a recommended preventive service

Down syndrome screening is no longer listed as a recommended preventive care service by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. This renders many insurance policies outdated and may avoid instituting an explicitly eugenic policy under the Affordable Care Act. Continue Reading

More women aborting & continuing Down syndrome pregnancies

More women than ever are aborting pregnancies positive for Down syndrome. And, at the same time, more women than ever are choosing to continue a pregnancy positive for Down syndrome.  Continue Reading

Down syndrome prenatal testing should not be a public health prevention program

David A. Savitz, in an editorial commenting on the study showing Down syndrome is disappearing in Victoria, Australia, says prenatal testing should be used to eradicate Down syndrome due to widespread acceptance of selective abortion. He's not quite right. Continue Reading

Is Down syndrome a disappearing birth defect?

Based on their study of Down syndrome births and terminations in Victoria, Australia over a 19 year period, the study authors' asked whether Down syndrome is disappearing. The answer is "no … not yet." Continue Reading

Intensified prenatal testing urgently needed to bring cases of Down syndrome to nil

American researchers identify "urgent global opportunities to prevent birth defects." Guess what is included in the list of birth defects to be prevented (and how)? Continue Reading