Indiana bill to ban Down syndrome abortions

A bill has been introduced in Indiana to ban selective abortions for Down syndrome. It has already been the subject of some commentary. Here's mine.  Continue Reading

Ohio passes the Down Syndrome Information Act

Closing out 2014, Ohio became the latest state to pass the Down Syndrome Information Act, making it the fifth state to do so in 2014 and seventh overall. Continue Reading

Don’t abort based on MaterniT21

Or based on Harmony, verifi, Panorama, or any of the new prenatal blood-based tests for Down syndrome.  Continue Reading

NIPT: finger licking good

Illumina has decided to "franchise" its verifi non-invasive prenatal screening test. Will the franchised tests be just as good? Continue Reading

How to deliver a Down syndrome diagnosis … better

Too many parents have bad experiences from how their medical team delivered the diagnosis that their child has Down syndrome. Fortunately, research, guidelines, and online training exist on how best to deliver the diagnosis. Continue Reading

Three years on, what have we learned about non-invasive prenatal screening?

Three years ago, a new prenatal test for Down syndrome entered the market offering earlier, safer, and more accurate results. What have we learned about this new technology since then? Continue Reading

More informed decisions = less prenatal testing

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association makes what for some is a surprising finding: when women know more about prenatal testing, fewer of them accept it. Continue Reading

Consensus: 5 years later @NSGC2014

At this year's National Society of Genetic Counselors annual conference, an impressive panel was assembled that shared the developments of a historic meeting. The lessons shared will need to be applied even more as prenatal testing progresses. Continue Reading

The 2014 NSGC AEC in NOLA

This week, I present for the first time at the National Society of Genetic Counselors Annual Education Conference. And, that's not even the best thing. Continue Reading