Our Story: the value of encouragement

Over Labor Day weekend, the kids and I visited the Great Smoky Mountains. Here's some thoughts that came to me while we were on our most demanding hike, yet.  Continue Reading

DSAIA Medical Outreach Webinar: August 22, 2018, 1 pm, EST

Wednesday, August 22, 2018, Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action will host a webinar on building relationships with medical professionals beginning at 1 pm, EST. I hope you will join us for this training and discussion that is vital if new and expectant parents' experiences are to improve when being told a test result for Down syndrome. Continue Reading

Our Story: Choosing to take the journey

Today, I leave with my two kids, towing a travel trailer, to drive to Yellowstone National Park. The trip will be fraught with challenges and risks. Yet, we are choosing to take the journey.  Continue Reading

DSPTP Episode 3: Happy Mother’s Day

In episode 3, in honor of Mother's Day, I talk about the miracle of life, how more moms than ever are choosing to have a child with Down syndrome, and the important role moms play in supporting so many other families. Continue Reading

Our Story: Support when you need it

Over Labor Day weekend, we experienced an emergency situation. Fortunately, support was there when we needed it. Continue Reading

Adoption: Absolutely Beautiful

Here is a nine-minute video that introduces the National Down Syndrome Adoption Network and its director, Stephanie Thompson.  Continue Reading

Presidents’ Day: who did the most for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilites?

It's Presidents' Day: which President did the most for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities? Continue Reading

Our Story: A tale of two disability support programs

Dickens wrote "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times". In the past 48 hours, I've experienced when a system designed to support individuals with disabilities functions optimally and when it functions absurdly.  Continue Reading

Our Story: camping, hiking, & canoeing the Red River Gorge

This post will have many photographs of a camping trip my kids and I took. They are images that many parents can't imagine when they're told their child has Down syndrome.  Continue Reading