What every woman needs to know about Down syndrome prenatal testing, a review

Earlier this year, Amy Julia Becker released a new book entitled, What Every Woman Needs to Know about Prenatal Testing: insight from a mom who has been there." As with everything Becker writes, it intertwines compassion with needed analysis of a decision all pregnant women will confront in this new age of prenatal testing. Continue Reading

What are the odds that you are having a child with Down syndrome?

Here in my hometown, it's Derby week. With the greatest two minutes in sports upon us, it naturally has me thinking about odds. Indeed, prenatal testing for Down syndrome has that same focus. So, what are the odds that you are having a child with Down syndrome? Not only is this answer important, but it will surprise many. Continue Reading

Does the ISPD have its own version of Voldemort?

The International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis (ISPD) has issued a new position statement on prenatal testing for Down syndrome. I have reported on what the statement says in the past several posts. Now, we turn a critical eye to the statement to provide an ethical assessment of it. What is most glaring is what is not stated in the new statement. I wonder if the ISPD has it's own version of Voldemort. Continue Reading

Creating an ordinary life for an extraordinary person

  Do you know about the TED talks? I discovered them several years ago and find them an endless source of inspiration and challenging ideas. The talk featured in this post (and at this link) is one of the best I've seen. Continue Reading

Comments due on UK inquiry into abortion for disability

The United Kingdom's Parliament is re-examining the Abortion Act of 1967, specifically Ground E which permits abortion at any time on the basis of disability. Comments are due tomorrow, March 6, 2013, by 12 pm, EST. Read on for the link and how to receive a template for your comment.  Continue Reading

Lower termination rate = higher terminations?

Today, at a column at Amy Julia Becker's blog, I explain how the math works out to explain the headline and the graphic for this post. I hope you will visit her blog and my column at this link. Continue Reading