Research & Potential Treatments for Down Syndrome: What Do You Think?

At the beginning of June, I attended a conference of researchers seeking treatments for conditions associated with Down syndrome. This month, a survey is seeking your input on what you think about treatments for Down syndrome.  Continue Reading

Experimental embryonic stem cell “treatment” for Down syndrome–any ethical issues here?

In New Delhi, India a baby received multiple injections of human embryonic stem cells as an experimental treatment for Down syndrome. Any ethical issues here?  Continue Reading

Top developments in Down syndrome prenatal testing for 2013

Finishing the year-in-review posts, here are what I believe are the developments in Down syndrome prenatal testing that had and will have the greatest impact from 2013: Continue Reading

The Golden Rule, as applied to Down syndrome treatments

I'm traveling today. Fortunately, Amy Julia Becker has graciously featured a revised post of mine at her site today. Becker is a fellow parent whose helpful book on prenatal testing I reviewed at this post. My piece today is part of a series Becker is featuring on the possible treatments for Down syndrome. Please comment on my post there (getting 13 comments would make it the most commented post in this series so far) and continue to check Becker's site regularly. Continue Reading

A Down Syndrome Mid-Life Crisis

I turn 40 this weekend. As I look back and look forward, I see a mid-life crisis for Down syndrome.  Continue Reading

“Monstrous” Sonic Hedgehog Reverses Down Syndrome

Finishing up on the news about the research that reversed Down syndrome-genes in genetically-engineered mice with a single injection to the brain. I recalled reading about the agent used in the treatment that had a different, and more concerning, impact. It's another reason why I would think twice before injecting it into a newborn's brain.  Continue Reading

Sonic the Hedgehog Reverses Down syndrome in Mice

Last week, researchers reported reversing the effects of Down syndrome in the brains of genetically-engineered mice with a single injection. Already, the potential for future treatments based on this technique has been questioned.  Continue Reading

Reversing Down syndrome & the Golden Rule

Researchers at Johns Hopkins have reversed the effects on the brain in mice engineered with half the genes found in Down syndrome by injecting a compound into the brains of newborn mice. So, in the span of a few months, researchers have "turned off" Down syndrome, and now its effects have been reversed.   Continue Reading

Before we silence Down syndrome, shouldn’t we try to understand it better?

Reactions to the news of the researchers "turning off" the extra 21st Chromosome that is the genetic cause of Down syndrome continue to be shared. Yesterday brought the most concise explanation of the actual research and a question that has not yet been raised about it. Continue Reading