Rewriting the story of Down syndrome

For many, thanks to deinstitutionalization, education inclusion, and medical treatments, they know a different Down syndrome than others. This new knowledge is rewriting the story of Down syndrome.  Continue Reading

University of Alabama’s RISE program: Roll Tide!

College football is having its first true playoffs. Here's how one of the Final Four schools chose to showcase their university. Continue Reading

ABLE Act Passes House: more equality & independence for disabled

On December 3, 2014, a historic vote took place. It was eight years in the making. Continue Reading

Happy (Belated) Birthday, Jon Will

Jon Will celebrated his birthday at the start of May. Here's a little bit about Jon and his parents.  Continue Reading

Our story: our son turns eight years old

Yesterday, I spent most of my time tracking down the situation for a local 6-year old girl with Down syndrome who had been abandoned by her mother for 6 days. Fortunately, this child not only survived (which should impress anyone that a 6-year old with Down syndrome survived on her own for 6 days), but has been reunited with a loving foster family who had intended to adopt her before her mother took back custody. Comforted in knowing this girl is in a safe place, I want to turn to someone who Continue Reading

“Just because something’s always been done that way, doesn’t mean it should continue to be done that way”

"But that's how we've always done it." Who has not heard this--in a group project, at a business meeting, when someone proposes changing the order of a church service--and been incredibly frustrated? Here's a lesson from someone who decided to do something different. Continue Reading

The Transformative Experience of Down Syndrome

Today my local paper ran my op-ed (available here) on how knowing someone with Down syndrome can be a transformative experience. Here are the links for the examples I use in the column. Continue Reading

Down syndrome is not incompatible with life

I've talked about how receiving a diagnosis of Down syndrome can be a gut-punch. One that hits you. But, there are other perspectives on a Down syndrome diagnosis. Continue Reading

The role of community in dealing with loss

In his recent book, Rod Dreher shares the story of his sister Ruthie's final time on earth battling  lung cancer and how it led him back to his small hometown in Louisiana. The book caused me to weep, and has a message worth sharing here. Continue Reading