Our story: IQ, IEPs, & Injustice

Yesterday, I attended a three-hour IEP meeting for my daughter. It demonstrated the systematic injustice that disables those it labels disabled. Continue Reading

Rewriting the story of Down syndrome

For many, thanks to deinstitutionalization, education inclusion, and medical treatments, they know a different Down syndrome than others. This new knowledge is rewriting the story of Down syndrome.  Continue Reading

News: prenatal testing, rising number of abortions, and cancer

From the News page, here's a collection of tweets of mine on news reported this week: Continue Reading

Noninvasive Prenatal Testing for Down syndrome: 99% malpractice

If you've been told you have a 99% chance of having a child with Down syndrome based on a prenatal blood test, your practitioner likely has committed malpractice. Continue Reading

News: The corporate arms race for a better Down syndrome prenatal test

Over at the News page, there is an epic take down of efforts to develop a Down syndrome prenatal test based on a urine sample. Continue Reading

Happy Mother’s Day: Thank you for believing

Happy Mother's Day! Thank you to all the moms for believing in their children. Continue Reading

Florida passes the Down Syndrome Information Act

Joining the growing list of states that have passed the Down Syndrome Information Act, Florida did so before every other state but Massachusetts.  Continue Reading

A new bioethics needed for prenatal testing

So argues the lead editorial of the January edition of the scholarly journal Bioethics. I think the authors are right.  Continue Reading

Pro-life should not hijack pro-information

By hijacking a law that has bipartisan support for their own agenda, pro-life efforts may actually lead to more abortions of babies with Down syndrome.  Continue Reading