The world doesn’t get to have it both ways with Down syndrome

Last week, my daughter was assessed to determine whether she qualified for a waiver under our state's Medicaid program. When informed that she may be initially denied--and many wrongfully are--I thought, "you don't get to have it both ways." Continue Reading

Is Down syndrome already starting to disappear?

Since the dawn of prenatal testing and selective abortion, critics and commentators have wondered whether Down syndrome will disappear from society. Experience this year suggests that it may now be happening. Continue Reading

What to do with a poorly wrapped gift?

A featured letter to the editor posed a question that offers a different perspective on a prenatal test result for Down syndrome. Continue Reading

With Down syndrome, what are we choosing to invest in?

I wrote previously about how some describe the damage of disability as the lack of support by society for individuals with disabilities. It prompts the question: with Down syndrome, what are we choosing to invest in?  Continue Reading

Perhaps the greatest example of inclusion

Today we celebrate Memorial Day in the United States. It's a day for us to remember those who gave the last full measure in service to their country. While this post concerns those actively serving, I thought it appropriate for today, nonetheless. Continue Reading

Wrongful birth and abortion: what’s the damage of disability?

In a very moving article, Kristina Chew wrote of her son, who has autism, and whether she would have aborted him if given the chance through prenatal testing. In South Africa, a couple was awarded 4.4 million Rand (or about $440,000) precisely because they were not told prenatally their child had Down syndrome--they said they would have aborted had they known prenatally. Both stories are revealing in what they consider the damage of disability. Continue Reading

Webinar on Prenatal Testing for Down syndrome

Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action (DSAIA) has made available the webinar I presented on Down syndrome prenatal testing. The webinar covers the basics of prenatal testing, the newest form of prenatal testing for Down syndrome, the professional society statements of the ACMG, ACOG, ISPD, and NSGC, and the statements' comments on counseling about prenatal testing. The webinar is available for free to the public. You can access the webinar at this link. Register using the box on the lower left hand Continue Reading

Delivering a Down syndrome diagnosis: the importance of where over when

Two recent articles on how a Down syndrome diagnosis was delivered to parents made me remember an important point about delivering the diagnosis: the importance of where over when. Continue Reading

Gosnell, after-birth abortion, and Down syndrome

Kermit Gosnell (AP Photo/Philadelphia Daily News, Yong Kim)Kermit Gosnell, a Philadelphia physician, was convicted this week for  first degree murder. A jury found him guilty of killing babies born alive after botched abortion procedures. There are academics who have cited prenatal testing and selective abortion for Down syndrome to argue that not only are Gosnell's actions not criminal, but morally justifiable. Continue Reading