An invitation to Richard Dawkins: come meet my daughter

Richard Dawkins, in his words, "let slip the dogs of Twitterwar" yesterday with a tweet about Down syndrome, abortion, and morality. That tweet and his response since, demonstrates he is profoundly ignorant about Down syndrome. So, Prof. Dawkins, you're invited to meet someone with Down syndrome to cure that ignorance. Continue Reading

The National Down Syndrome Congress Convention: a very cool experience

This weekend is the National Down Syndrome Congress' annual convention. Are you attending? Continue Reading

Kathy Ratkiewicz, mother, advocate, friend, RIP

The Down syndrome community has lost an advocate and leader. Continue Reading

Happy (Belated) Birthday, Jon Will

Jon Will celebrated his birthday at the start of May. Here's a little bit about Jon and his parents.  Continue Reading

American Idol Caleb Johnson, you just lost your biggest fan. Here’s how to win her back.

This week Caleb Johnson is in the final four for the contestants on American Idol. But, because of a stupid comment, he just lost his biggest fan. Here's how to win her back. [This post has been updated; scroll to the bottom for updates]. Continue Reading

Our story: A vision of majesty at Greek Easter

We just returned from a long weekend in L.A. (Lower Alabama) celebrating Greek Easter. Here's the majesty I saw. Continue Reading

News: Changing perspectives on seeing those with Down syndrome

Today's news items have a theme of changing your perspective on how (and where) to see individuals with Down syndrome.  Continue Reading

Today Baby Doe Died

Today was the day in 1982 when Baby Doe died in a maternity ward in a hospital in Indiana. He died because his doctor advised his parents that they could "do nothing." Continue Reading

News: Realizations from having a child with Down syndrome

Been a while since I updated the News page. Here's some posts from recent days on realizations parents, particularly moms, have made in having a child with Down syndrome. Continue Reading