Some prenatal information–just to know–is unacceptable

So says Zuzana Deans, Angus Clarke  & Ainsley Newson in their article in the issue of Bioethics devoted to whether a new bioethics is needed for non-invasive prenatal screening.  Continue Reading

What’s wrong with the Yahoo! story of why a mom terminated her pregnancy for Down syndrome

What's wrong is that the decision was made after receiving false information, not all the information, and without seeking more information. And, what's more, this is happening so often as to be the norm of how prenatal testing is administered. Continue Reading

The trade-offs of prenatal testing for Down syndrome

In the first article in the January 2015 edition of Bioethics devoted to prenatal genetic testing, Jenny Hewison addresses the psychological trade-offs pregnant women must make with prenatal testing decisions. Continue Reading

Same birthday, competing legacies

Ten score and several years ago today, Abraham Lincoln was born. On that same February 12, 1809 Charles Darwin also was born. The ideas championed by these men and their competing legacies twist through history like the spiraling parallel sides of DNA. Continue Reading

Leo, abandonment, & life with Down syndrome in some places

The story of baby Leo, his parents' divorce, and his father's fundraising has blown up on the internet. Here's something that may be getting lost in the shuffle.  Continue Reading

Ignorant people say stupid things about Down syndrome

From the news page, purportedly independent-thinking people say stupid things about Down syndrome, while a grandmother shares wisdom gained from having a granddaughter with Down syndrome. Continue Reading

Pro-life should not hijack pro-information

By hijacking a law that has bipartisan support for their own agenda, pro-life efforts may actually lead to more abortions of babies with Down syndrome.  Continue Reading

We do not want sympathy, but we do want love and support

At the News page, some highlights on what you can't expect when you receive a prenatal test result for Down syndrome.  Continue Reading

Get the facts about Down syndrome prenatal testing

In effort to clear up the widespread confusion about non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPS), also known as cell free DNA testing, the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) has issued a fact sheet. Get the facts about this testing. Continue Reading