GONE: 150,000 fewer people with Down syndrome in the U.S.

The long-stated estimated number of people living with Down syndrome in the United States had been 400,000. This number has been reduced by almost 40 percent. Continue Reading

Enjoying the small things: from the diagnosis to now 3 years old by Kelle Hampton

Three years ago, Kelle Hampton burst onto the scene with a telling of how her daughter's diagnosis of Down syndrome was delivered. In a recent post, she shares how her daughter's doing now and what they've learned. Continue Reading

Down syndrome needs to be “blocked,” “fixed,” “cured,” and “silenced.”

Following up on the news from yesterday, headlines reporting on the development where scientists have "turned off" the extra 21st Chromosome that is the basis for Down syndrome spread a telling message of what news editors think will grab the public's attention: Continue Reading

New research changes perspectives on Down syndrome

In an ironic twist, while traveling to present at a conference on prenatal testing and Down syndrome, news broke that they may have "fixed" Down syndrome. The reactions to this news may change perspectives on Down syndrome. Continue Reading

Wear a cool t-shirt at a conference & get a free book

Many of my readers will be traveling this week to Denver for this year's conference for the National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC). Here's an opportunity to get a free book simply by looking cool at the conference. Continue Reading

The Shape of the Eye: our diagnoses do not define us

The Shape of the Eye was originally published in 2011. This Spring, it was re-issued in paperback and is enjoying the attention it deserves. A memoir by George Estreich about many things, but prompted by the birth of his daughter Laura, it has much to share for all of us. Continue Reading

For Father’s Day: what to do after a Down syndrome prenatal test result

Last week, a mom posted what she would like a mother with a Down syndrome prenatal test result to know. It inspired Tim Shriver, Chairman and CEO of Special Olympics, to offer his own thoughts. So, for what it's worth, on this Father's Day, here's my two cents. Continue Reading

What to do with a poorly wrapped gift?

A featured letter to the editor posed a question that offers a different perspective on a prenatal test result for Down syndrome. Continue Reading

Perhaps the greatest example of inclusion

Today we celebrate Memorial Day in the United States. It's a day for us to remember those who gave the last full measure in service to their country. While this post concerns those actively serving, I thought it appropriate for today, nonetheless. Continue Reading