The role of community in dealing with loss

In his recent book, Rod Dreher shares the story of his sister Ruthie’s final time on earth battling  lung cancer and how it led him back to his small hometown in Louisiana. The book caused me to weep, and has a message worth sharing here.

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Down syndrome needs to be “blocked,” “fixed,” “cured,” and “silenced.”

Following up on the news from yesterday, headlines reporting on the development where scientists have “turned off” the extra 21st Chromosome that is the basis for Down syndrome spread a telling message of what news editors think will grab the public’s attention:

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New research changes perspectives on Down syndrome

In an ironic twist, while traveling to present at a conference on prenatal testing and Down syndrome, news broke that they may have “fixed” Down syndrome. The reactions to this news may change perspectives on Down syndrome.

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On Down syndrome prenatal testing, they don’t get to have it both ways

The recent press releases by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the video above show the inconsistency in policy positions in obstetric care. Regarding Down syndrome prenatal testing, they shouldn’t get to have it both ways.

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Wear a cool t-shirt at a conference & get a free book

Many of my readers will be traveling this week to Denver for this year’s conference for the National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC). Here’s an opportunity to get a free book simply by looking cool at the conference.

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Syngamy: when you became a unique individual

Several years ago, I learned about “syngamy.” It informed how we are to think of one another. I had reason to be reminded of it for a couple of reasons this week, one circumstantial and one sad.

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Is it already happening or are Down syndrome births disappearing because of the all-time low U.S. birthrate?

I have asked for reports from local parent support organizations by next Monday, July 15, 2013, on the number of births they have welcomed in 2013 and in the past several years. The more reports received from across the nation will give a better picture of whether this is a part of a national trend.

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Hundreds signing up to adopt a child with Down syndrome should not be surprising

A recent news story reported as a surprising result that hundreds of parents had volunteered to adopt a child when the call was put out. The turnout was indeed overwhelming, but in the end only one couple will adopt this child. Hopefully the hundreds of others will reach out to adopt the many other children […]

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USA Today discriminates against Down syndrome

In a recent editorial, USA Today’s editorial board expressed “Our view” that discriminates against Down syndrome and perpetuates the societal stigma against those with the genetic condition. 

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