How a pamphlet did not provide information to expectant mothers

The development and re-development of Global Down Syndrome Foundation's (GDSF) pamphlet for expectant mothers (which covers prenatal testing options and the basics about Down syndrome) has deprived women of professionally recommended information about Down syndrome for years. Continue Reading

Pennsylvania passes the Down Syndrome Information Act

In 2014, Pennsylvania joined the growing number of states passing the Down Syndrome Information Act. It's implementation needs to be improved. Continue Reading

A pamphlet supposed to be for post-diagnosis must discuss prenatal testing?

At least that's what it's creator says. Continue Reading

NDSC, GDSF, prenatal testing, and abortion

The previous post dealt with three of the four reasons given for creating the NDSC/GDSF pamphlet. But it was the fourth reason that got all the attention when the pamphlet launched in November 2012: abortion. Continue Reading

The 2014 NDSC Convention: prenatal testing for Down syndrome resources

At the 2014 National Down Syndrome Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, David Tolleson, NDSC's executive director, and Michelle Whitten of Global Down Syndrome Foundation (GDSF) presented on their organizations' updated prenatal testing pamphlet. Here are some observations from that presentation. Continue Reading

Pastor heals Down syndrome prenatally with prayer!

Um, no he didn't. But this story reveals why screening tests are just that, and why a definitive diagnosis can only come from invasive diagnostic testing.   Continue Reading

Memorial Day: the importance of having a mission

For this Memorial Day, ask yourself: what in your life is worth living for? Continue Reading

We shouldn’t have to justify children with Down syndrome being born

Rachel Adams, the author of Raising Henry, has a piece in the new issue of American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A. You should read it and its lines should be inscribed in offices around the world.  Continue Reading

Physicians: too many doing Down syndrome prenatal testing wrong

A study of parents of children with Down syndrome reports on their experiences with finding out the diagnosis. It finds that too many physicians still are doing it wrong. Continue Reading